I was just speaking with my brilliant executive assistant and fierce collaborator, Liz Nelson. She said she was going to update the “book coming soon” page on our site with the approved cover design for the new book, Leader Coach, which I have co-authored with Kaley Klemp. Kaley co-authored the famed 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership, among other books.
Liz said “I was about to update the cover on this page with the new cover design, but I thought perhaps you would want to do a big cover reveal first.” You know one thing I love about Liz and all of the other brilliant people with whom I collaborate in my life? They don’t freak out (much) when they offer a perfectly brilliant idea and I respond by rolling my eyes and ranting for 30 seconds about why that is the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard. I am inexplicably lucky to have retained many of these people as friends.
So Liz waited the minute or so, during which time I shared that no one actually cares what our book cover design is, that it’s crazy to start teasing a book before it’s even available for pre-order, and that I figured everyone would be every bit as cynical about a cover reveal as I am.
One hour later I started penning this blog about the cover reveal for Leader Coach. The reason is it’s time. Not just for a cover reveal, but honestly for a book reveal. An idea reveal. As hard as we have worked on this project, as much energy, commitment, and love as so many others have poured into this notion, I have been extremely hesitant to talk about it.
So here you go, sports fans. Kaley and I have written what I think will become the preeminent book on how to launch and scale conscious leadership in your company, organization, or team.
This book is direct, it is pragmatic, it is packed with actionable insights on where to start. And the thesis is this: Conscious leadership can most quickly, effectively, and sustainably be launched at your business if it is sparked and led by “leader coaches,” people in functional leadership roles who choose to make coaching an intentional and essential part of their leadership.
Through Leader Coach, you will learn how to be a leader coach. The book goes far beyond theory into actual practice designed for you to self-execute everything we write about. This book incorporates 100 percent of the mental models, concepts, and practices that Kaley and I teach in our (now called) Certification for Leader Coaches program. Instead of spending six months and $15,000 getting certified, you will have the option of purchasing this book in ebook, print, and audio form for the price of one lunch. That said, the in-person program is still incredible, and we are taking applications for the 2025 cohort, so feel free to take a look and apply now.
Oh. I almost forgot. This book does have a cover. I like this cover design so much that you should feel absolutely free to judge this book by its cover.
Drumroll…get ready to be bowled over…oh stop being so caustic (Sue!)... The cover for the late-summer-launching guide to leader coaching is here:

Do you want to stay up to speed on the early availability of this book? If you sign up here, you have my pinky promise that you will only hear from us when Leader Coach is available for pre-order.
Any thoughts, feelings, or blurts? Share them here.
Cover design credit Julie Karen Hodgins.